zaqos - 2007-05-05 10:08:54

Witam kanał Działa

Stoi na serwerze nazwa pokoju #fragordie

Aby sie połaczyc trzeba posiadać klienta irc ( np. mirc )


1. Sciagamy i instalujemu klienta.
2. W jednym z okien wpisujemy /server
3. Gdy sie połaczy z serwerem wpisujemy /j #pejot

Liste komend i opcji podam w innym poscie.

Kuczyk - 2007-06-01 17:44:06

No gdzie te komendy

zaqos - 2007-11-17 17:38:13


!bash  -   pobiera z serwisu smieszne teksty

zaqos - 2007-12-10 16:50:50


FragerSta- Available commands:
@cmds / @commands / @help / @info - Display this help.
@players - List the users currently on the server.
@map - Display the currently played map.
@nextmap - Display the next map in the map cycle.
@timeleft - Display the amount of time left on the current map.
@ip - Display the IP of the server.
@status - Display the status of the server.

W PM bota:

«FragerSta» Available commands (to use commands in channel add ! to the front of the command, otherwise private message commands to the bot):
cmds / commands / help / info - Display this help.
players - List the users currently on the server.
login <username> <password> - Log into HLDS<->IRC as an admin.  This may only be PMed to this bot.
logout - Log out of HLDS<->IRC admin. You will automatically be logged out if you quit IRC. This may only be PMed to this bot.
map - Display the currently played map.
nextmap - Display the next map in the map cycle.
timeleft - Display the amount of time left on the current map.
ip - Display the IP of the server.
status - Display the status of the server.

Qu4ke - 2007-12-30 22:07:28

jak tak wchodze czasem na ten kanal irc to nikogo tam nie zastaje... :[

Kuczyk - 2007-12-31 17:19:03

A ja zastaje

Qu4ke - 2008-01-01 10:05:37

kogo np?? :P

Kuczyk - 2008-02-05 18:23:13

Np. siebie i nikogo innego


zaqos - 2008-02-06 11:54:41

Kanal jest w wersji rozwojowej + nie mam czasu za duzo na robienie bota ..... wiec cierpliwosci!:)